Thursday, December 4, 2008

Orchestra Concert

I just wanted to give many congrats on everyone in the orchestra concert on Thursday, December 4th. Both junior high and high school students of Sheridan orchestra did a great job! As I was leaving I heard raving reviews from many parents, teachers, friends, and other musically-involved people of Sheridan. So again, fabulous job to all who participated in the concert! Bravissimo! 

Monday, November 17, 2008


If you haven't heard of Artsonia, it's a website/program where art teachers post students' artwork online. You can buy prints and other products of the artwork on the site as well. So check it out, because there is lots of great artwork from students at our school! My profile is, displaying some of my art from sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. Here's one from this year, I think. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Soccer Team

Hey, just wanted to tell everyone that they should go to Jack's blog to vote yes for the soccer team of SJHS! A soccer team for the junior high, is an awesome idea! 

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Favorite/New Music

What's everybody's favorite song that isn't well known? I love hearing new stuff. If you're ever looking for new stuff to listen to, I recommend Pandora Radio. Pandora Radio is really simple, and a really good music source. You just type in a song or artist that you like and a playlist is made, allowing you to listen to the songs free. What are you doing sitting there reading this when you could be opening your mind to really awesome music? Go to!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I'm going to New York again! I am so excited. I'll get to go to Baltimore first (to hear my mom sing) and then New York City. I can't wait until December!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Go to

Hey everybody, I just ordered some shirts from a website called "Threadless." This is a great shirt site because anyone can send in a design-from humorous to artsy- and if it is popular enough the shirt stays on the site. There are some pretty sweet designs so you guys should check it out!


I'm just putting off my homework... uh oh... have to go.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Elbow Typing

Try typing with your elbows. It's very entertaibing. I'm doing it now and I've only made one mistakew. Make that two...