Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Soccer Team

Hey, just wanted to tell everyone that they should go to Jack's blog --jacksmfblog.blogspot.com-- to vote yes for the soccer team of SJHS! A soccer team for the junior high, is an awesome idea! 


michael said...

Why Why Why do people keep talking about this, it is not like other schools have soccer teams to even vs our school.

wiim said...

Why not? I could do soccer.

Jack said...

soccer is sort of a sport for those too small to do football and have no other interest in the other sports our school offers. If our school got a soccer team then other teams would eventually be formed at other schools. So the real question is why not?

Saxon said...

Michael it is so so funny how you continue to argue with yourself. Haha. lol. Well i really could care less about sports. I cannot do ANY OF THEM! I MEAN A-N-Y of them! lol

Luke Spartan said...

jack u just need to man up and play football

Jack said...

luke you need to get breasts and be a model.